Saturday, September 26, 2009

Concern for My Health

I haven’t been posting here lately for a reason. When I think about politics I descend into despair or rage. It ruins my whole day.

I thought Obama dropped the ball when he stepped back from the health care issue and let the corporations take control of it.

It occurred to me that it seemed like a no-brainer to him. Everyone wants affordable coverage that can’t be denied because of pre existing conditions. We obviously have to stop the practice of canceling coverage when something catastrophic happens to anyone.

The excuse that we can’t afford it is wrong. We are paying twice the amount of countries with the best coverage and everyone knows it.

Anyone who says their coverage is fine hasn’t had to use it.

Republicans are throwing red herrings like tort reform and illegal alien coverage.

When Confederate flag waving, Joe Wilson yelled, “You lie,” at Obama after he said illegals wouldn’t be covered, it was pointed out that Obama was telling the truth with the wording of every version of the bill.

The Republican response was enforcement wasn’t strong enough. In the more than 500 amendments to the health care bill Republicans wanted denial to all aliens, even legal, at least for a period of time.

Okay, the only reason illegal aliens have to be treated in emergency rooms now is the fact that hospitals can’t turn anyone away. If an illegal alien’s kid is hit by a car would you rather he was turned away because he wasn’t legal? What kind of monsters think this way?

The fact is most illegal aliens wouldn’t run the risk of being caught. They’re not going to burden our health care system.

Legal aliens are mostly young, healthy, working people that would add to the insurance pool in a positive way anyway.

As for tort reform they put a $250,000 cap on settlements in Texas. It hasn’t affected insurance rates at all.

Imagine a situation when a person needs a leg amputated and they take off the wrong one. This kind of negligence does happen and people’s lives are ruined. Believe it or not some of these cases are legitimate.

We need to spend the effort making sure these things don’t happen. Not killing the legal consequences. It’s only 2 to 3% of insurance costs anyway.

The insurance machine knows just how to stroke our fears and racism. They’ve twisted our healthy inclination to believe in conspiracies against us.

I will probably only post here every now and then because it affects my blood pressure and I’m not insured!

The bird outside the window is the Medical Industrial Complex.

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