Saturday, May 15, 2010

Arizona's SB1070

I hear the argument that people who oppose Arizona’s SB1070 haven’t read it. I have and the fact of its very existence is racism in spite of the fact that a majority of Americans support it.

We are not at war with Mexico so why do we close our borders.

“Make them enter the U.S. legally!”

Come on, let’s get real.

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issues H1B work visas designed to bring highly skilled foreign professionals into the US.

The USCIS requires H1B applicants to provide documents, including photos and brochures of the office, tax returns as well as the work orders, contracts and client letters from businesses they want to work for. H1B visas cost around $5,000 per person.

“They’re stealing our jobs!”

Immigrant workers "create almost as many" jobs as they occupy, "and maybe more," said Madeleine Sumption, policy analyst at the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute. "They often create the jobs they work in." In addition, "they buy things, and they make the economy bigger,"

The impact of immigration on a nation's economy remains small, for several reasons. Immigrants are not competitive in many types of jobs, and hence are not direct substitutes for natives. Local employers increase demand for low-skilled labor in areas that receive low-skilled immigrant inflows. Immigrants contribute to demand for goods and services that they consume, in turn increasing the demand for labor. And immigrants contribute to labor market efficiency and long-term economic growth.

“They drive down wages for U.S. workers!”

David Griswold, director of the Center for Trade Policy Studies at the libertarian Cato Institute, wrote in Commentary magazine in December:

The addition of low-skilled immigrants expands the size of the overall economy, creating higher-wage openings for managers, craftsmen, accountants, and the like. The net result is a greater financial reward and relatively more opportunities for those Americans who finish high school.

In spite of what people want to believe these people pay taxes too. They are mostly hard working people who are only trying to support their families. They’re human beings and if you wouldn’t do the same for your family you don’t know what family means!

I also find it a bit strange that this has become a priority at a time when our economy has reduced illegal border crossings because there aren't any jobs. With all the truly important issues on our plate is this an attempt to polarize us with our fears and suspicions?


Michael Kirsch, M.D. said...

Dave, I haven't read the bill, but have read about it. I am uncomfortable with it, but the situation is complex. What would you do regarding the 12 million or so illegal immigrants? Is giving them a pathway to citizenship fair to those who have waited in line? Would you target their employers? Is it fair for states to spend any of our money on their education and medical care, when we don't have enough cash for our own citizens? Do you advocate an open border? Tough issues here. Nice post.

Doggie said...

We need to be more open. It's not like they're trying to push in front of others who wait. Those who wait have jobs waiting and can afford the process. The problem is---the process is deplorable! America should not be exclusive and let's face it, the world is shrinking. We spread our reach around the globe and all should be welcome.

Michael Kirsch, M.D. said...

Your good intentions and very general response don't address the specific details, only a few of which I posed to you. I don't expect you to solve the problem, since no one else is able to. But, it's not enough to say, 'can't we all get along'? There's a reason that this issue is polarizing and hasn't been able to be resolved by several administrations.

Doggie said...

I'm not saying, "Can't we all just get along?" I'm saying as a group we are easy to manipulate through our fears. This should be a non issue. It's not too complex to solve, we just have to recognize our fears are being used against us. We need to outgrow our racism. We are all people no matter where we're from. U.S. citizens don't have more of a right to survival than anyone else

Michael Kirsch, M.D. said...

We may not a more of a right to survival, but we do have more of a right to live and work in our own country than non-citizens.

Doggie said...

If the situation was reversed, I wouldn't hesitate to cross the border to feed my family.

Michael Kirsch, M.D. said...

Of course, but then you would be subject to the laws of your destination country.

Doggie said...

Yes and it would be nice if that country believed in social justice, compassion, human rights and the basic dignity all people deserve.

Michael Kirsch, M.D. said...

In other words, Dave, you don't think we need borders at all.